
Generation Chosen

Generation Chosen is a non-profit organization devoted to interrupting intergenerational cycles of trauma and poverty in lower-income communities.

Home Hero Image of the team

Our Pillars

Our program caters to the needs of racialized, marginalized and disenfranchised inner-city youth by focussing on 4 key areas, which we believe, fundamentally catalyze holistic human development.

Our Programs


Our Navigation program focusses on equipping youth and young adults with the skills, thought patterns, and understandings necessary to become economically self-sufficient, thrive educationally, and acquire gainful employment. By focussing on Financial Literacy (investing, mechanics of starting a for-profit or non-profit business, home ownership etc.), Credit recovery/Tutoring, and Job preparedness we ensure that youth and young adults are prepared to take their rightful places in the economies of the 21st century.

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The mental health issues of youth and young adults are diverse and complex. Often youth and young adults attempt to self-sooth and contend with their adverse mental/emotional states by engaging in activities that only worsen rather than enhance their health. At Generation Chosen we seek to demystify therapy by making it more accessible and free for youth and young adults who are both racialized and from underserved communities. Our Therapists are all certified and trained and can offer a variety of supports free of charge to the registered participant.

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Our Catharsis program is geared towards providing youth and young adults with the necessary soft skills to navigate their way through adverse emotional disturbances and their interpersonal relationships that are fraught with psycho-social tensions. We believe that by helping youth and young adults acquire the necessary language to make sense of and understand their disparate emotional states we can encourage them to become emotionally stable, effective communicators, and intrinsically motivated.

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Gen Fem

Gen Fem is a program that focusses on issues unique to racialized women. Activities, discussions, and excursions are developed around the areas of mental health, emotional intelligence, and financial literacy, and relationships (both with oneself and others).

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Black Tech Matters

Empowering Black Futures in Tech

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Civic Anchor

The Civic Anchor program is strategically designed to foster a a young person's understanding of, and employability within, areas of work pertaining to municipal, provincial, and/or federal politics. Activities, discussions, and excursions are designed to prepare a young person for opportunities that exist at every level of our democracy with a focus on advocating for sustainable and socially equitable futures.

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TO Wards Peace Community Partner

Generation Chosen is the community partner within TO Wards Peace that is supporting Peace Projects in Black Creek (Jane and Finch) communities. Generation Chosen is a not-for-profit organization devoted to helping youth from underserved and racialized communities interrupt and examine intergenerational cycles of trauma and poverty.

Our Partners

Our Principles

At Generation Chosen we seek to inculcate five key virtues that we think overwhelmingly contribute to the emotional and mental health of any subject. These virtues are made manifest in all of our programming, and constitute the very matrix of our organization.


The most successful people often mistakenly believe their accomplishments are solely a result of their own special abilities, leading to arrogance, while in reality, everyone is dependent on external factors for success and should practice humility.


Integrity is the unwavering commitment to making resolute choices that are rooted in a deep understanding of the worth and value of one's life and the lives of others, driven by conviction and a steadfast dedication to what is eternal.


Gaining a proper direction for growth and change, while courageously confronting mistakes and persevering through the confusion and persecuting thoughts associated with failure, is the key to taking responsibility for one's own development.


Boldness is the ability to endure the world's attempts to silence one's ideals and values, remaining steadfast in the belief of one's own worth in the face of opposition, and making a powerful statement internally, even without speaking aloud.


To gain a healthy self-perspective in a culture full of harmful media messages dictating gender roles, it's important to recognize one's own self-worth and distance oneself from these harmful opinions, making perspective the key to self-worth.